Student support contacts
Argyll content
Inverness content
Moray content
North, West and Hebrides content
Orkney content
Perth content
Shetland content
HTC (Highland Theological College) content
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig content
Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) content
UHI House (incl. Optometry) content
Nursing content
Postgraduate research students (Executive office registered) content
Centre for History Postgraduate taught content
Welcoming students from over 50 countries to our friendly and supportive community.
At the campus you are enrolled with you will find dedicated support teams.
UHI’s expert and approachable staff can help you understand the support that is available to help you during your studies, whether that's on campus or wholly online and including International students.
BSL users can contact us via an online BSL/English interpreter through Contact Scotland.
- Student support; 07385 142 500 (Meredyth Reynolds)
- Care experienced named contact; 07385 142 500 (Meredyth Reynolds)
- Counselling
- Learning support; 07385 142 500 (Meredyth Reynolds)
- Funding
Not applied yet?
- Admissions
- Enrolment 01631 559500
- Fees
- Student support 01463 273208
- Care experienced named contact; Amanda Campbell or Claire Ross
- Learning support 01463 273526
- Wellbeing and counselling
- Funding 01463 273 000
Not applied yet?
- Admissions 01463 273 000
- Enrolment 01463 273 000
- Fees 01463 273 000
- Student support 01343 576354
- Care experienced named contact; Nicole Hyslop 01343 576456
- Counselling 01343 576456
- Learning support 01343 576489
North, West and Hebrides
North, West and Hebrides
- Student and learning support
- Care experienced named contact: Anne Maree Dykes
- Counselling
Not applied yet?
- Student and learning support
- Care experienced named contact; Kate Hayes
- Counselling
Not yet applied?
- Student support
- Care experienced named contact; Sam Monie
- Counselling
- Learning support
- Funding 01738 877 375
Not yet applied?
- Admissions 01738 877 205
- Enrolment 01738 877 000
- Fees 01738 877 357
- Student support
- Selina-May Miller 01595 771000
- Michele Kerry 01595 771000
- Care experienced named contact; Michele Kerry 01595 771000
- Counselling 01595 771000
- Learning support 01595 771441
Not applied yet?
- Admissions 01595 771 000
- Funding and fees
HTC (Highland Theological College)
HTC (Highland Theological College)
- Student support 01349 780401
- Learning Support
- Cathy Steed 01349 780401
- Pamela Adkins 01349 780400
- Care experienced named contact; Cathy Steed
Not applied yet?
- Admissions 01349 780 000
- Fees and funding 01349 780 000
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
- Student support
- Eilidh NicPhàidein 01471 888305
- Kathryn NicAoidh 01471 888261
- Care experienced named contact; Eairdsidh MacGilleathain 01471 888327
- Learning support 01471 888305
Not applied yet?
- Admissions, fees and funding +44(0)1471 888304
Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)
Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)
- Accessibility
- Care experienced named contact; Polly Crooks 01631 559335
- Undergraduate students finance and support
- Postgraduate student finance and support
- ACES Masters student finance and support
Not applied yet?
UHI House (incl. Optometry)
UHI House (incl. Optometry)
- Student support
- Care experienced named contact; Lyndsay Sutherland
- Counselling
- Learning support 01463 279000
Not yet applied?
- Student support (SAAS Queries/Practice Attendance/Absence Reporting/ Withdrawal from Studies)
- Nursing support 01463 279000
- Support for Western Isles students
- Care experienced named contact; Lyndsay Sutherland
- Clinical placements/ practice learning
- Learning support and accessibility
Not yet applied?
- Admissions 01463 279000
- Registry and fees
Postgraduate research students (Executive office registered)
Postgraduate research students (Executive office registered)
- Student support, learning support and counselling
- Care experienced named contact; Lyndsay Sutherland
Centre for History Postgraduate taught
Centre for History Postgraduate taught
- Student support and admissions
- Care experienced named contact; Lyndsay Sutherland
Not applied yet?